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5 Nutrition and Supplement Hacks to Step Up Your Fitness Performance

All the knowledge about nutrition for bodybuilding can be daunting to learn, but it is actually not rocket science. As long as you take what’s work on most people, the chances are that you’re going to get the same result. Here, you’ll learn 5 nutrition and supplement hacks that can help you to step up your fitness performance. 

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator)

injected sarmsWhen you read the word ‘Androgen’, you may be reminded of steroids, which are the evil drug in bodybuilding. They give you maximum results with minimum efforts, but in the long term, it’s going to cost you your internal organs. But steroids are indeed potent, and they work. 

Then, SARMs are developed to be the next generation of steroids. They are meant to give you the benefits of growth hormone without the harms.

Complex Carbs

Complex carbs exist mostly in unprocessed grains like brown rice, whole wheat, oats, yams, and sweet potatoes. This needs to be brought here because carbohydrate has been somehow considered as purely a no go nutrition. Some people even go as extreme as eliminating carbs from their diet entirely, which is not good for the heart if practiced for a long time. 

Your muscles need carbs to function. But if you eat simple carbs, you will feel energetic only for a short time. With complex carbs, you can go for the whole day feeling vigorous.


Your body produces this substance, but taking more of it has been proven to be effective in stimulating muscle growth. In fact, if you take creatine as a dietary supplement, it can also strengthen your muscles. However, please consult a physician if you’ve ever had a medical history of kidney or liver damage as creatine may worsen your condition. 

BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) 

BCAAs consist of three individual amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Naturally, you can get them from meats and fish. And these substances can reduce fatigue, boost endurance, and stimulate muscle growth. But for bodybuilding, it may not be feasible to eat 1 kg of fish or meat every day just to gain the BCAAs. Therefore, taking this substance as a fitness supplement is your best option. 


Beta-Alanine is a nonessential amino acid that can help your body to perform better during workouts. By taking at least 4 grams of this substance, you can get significant lean muscle gain in approximately 8 weeks. Besides, it also has other beneficial properties like free radical prevention, immune-enhancing, and anti-aging.


Bulking Tips for Bodybuilding

Bulking is an essential process of bodybuilding. This is the process of gaining muscles without necessarily gaining fat. At this time, you need to be careful to gain muscles in the right place and avoid gaining fat all over again.

The best way to bulk is to combine a high-calorie diet but at the same time, focus on working out. Using SARMs can also help you with bulking because they give you the right boost of energy to keep going. Here are some bulking tips to keep in mind:

Working Out

The only sure way to bulk is to do some gym workouts. Gym workouts will help you to grow your muscles. You need to consider lifting the heavyweights and pushing your body. Lifting weights breaks down your muscles to allow for new muscle growth.

You can only get new muscle growth by working out. When working out, remember to work all your body muscles. Do not skip leg day during the bulking process because it will show after gaining muscles on your upper body. Learning how to increase the weights over time is very important.


Protein is an essential component in bodybuilding. You need to make sure that you include protein in your diet. Animal protein is the best for bodybuilding because of the quality of the protein. With bodybuilding, protein contains the building blocks that are essential for building muscles.

With proteins, you need to choose a wide variety of sources. It is impossible to grow muscles without taking the right amount of protein.

Carbs and Fat

When bulking, carbs and fats are also important. As much you need to take a high protein diet, carbs and fat will also give the push that you need to bulk. However, when taking carbs, you need to be careful. Take high-quality carbs and not empty calories.

Highly processed carbs are also not the best when trying to bulk because they can cause unnecessary fat gain. Fats will also give you the satiation that you need when working out.



When bulking, you will be required to go through intense workout sessions. For the intense workout sessions, it is advisable to prepare your body.

Taking a pre-workout supplement will give you the energy to lift and intensify your workout. A protein shake before a workout can go a long day in keeping you fit for the workout.…